Summer Sale 48% Off – Secret Guide to Vegas Buffets EBook

Secret Guide to Vegas Buffets EBook Available on Amazon

Welcome to the best secret Las Vegas buffet guide on the planet including everything they didn’t want you to know! In this book, we give you the insider information on everything Vegas buffet including juicy Las Vegas facts strewn throughout the book. We take you from exclusive reviews and honest recommendations to full-color pictures in vivid detail of pure Las Vegas and cuisine. We finish off our money saving guide of tips and tricks with an all new top list of can’t miss buffets.
Grab your copy of the most essential Las Vegas Buffet book to hit shelves ever and for a limited time you can pick up this book on the publisher site Smashwords for just $1.55.

Here’s more from the publisher :

We had a dream to bring the best affordable Las Vegas Buffet guide to the world and our dreams have turned reality. Thanks to the tireless efforts of our freelance writing team we have completed a great buffet guide that you simply cant afford to pass up. We have packed it full of tips and tricks to make sure you get the absolute best value available.

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