Is Tupac Shakur ‘ to come out of hiding in 2017 in Las Vegas?

Tupac allegedly caught on tape during 2011 Occupy wallstreet  protest
YouTube channel DAHBOO777

Website stories and videos have surfaced alleging the Harlem-born rapper was not gunned down on September 7, 1996, as officially reported, but has been secretly living in Las Vegas.

In the US, celebrity website ran a story headlined: “After Nearly 19 Years Of Hiding Tupac Shakur Now 44 Comes Out Of Hiding.”

Tupac, also known as Makaveli, was victim of a drive-by shooting at a junction in Las Vegas, Nevada, and died six days later in hospital.

Ever since his death there has been a conspiracy theories suggesting he never actually died.

But this is the first claim he is about to return “from the dead”

YouTube channel DAHBOO777 has also put together an extensive video in which not claims the star has been caught on camera recently alive during a 2011 Occupy Movement demo wearing a bright yellow raincoat, and is even goading the world by sneakily appearing in other rapper’s videos.

Surfaced The “new” image in full Rhianna – Tupac Shaqur

The report also included what appeared to be a picture of the star with his arm draped around Rihanna, who would have been eight when Tupac died.

The article said: “Tupac Shakur, who was supposedly killed at the age of 25 is now admitting he has been hiding this whole time. 

“It was Shakur who in 1996 was reportedly attending a special event in Las Vegas, the Mike Tyson-Benson fight, and then afterwards was brutally murdered.

“A day or so later he is autopsied, then quickly cremated. There is no funeral. Nor is there any record of a tribute or memorial. 

“Now we know exactly why it was because Tupac Shakur was never killed it is unclear why he has been hiding. 

But Cheyenne Takitimu said: “Sort of like Bin Laden, no one can really check on any facts that show he died, just gotta take someone’s word for it.

Angelica Gutierrez added: “It’s 2016 and I still believe he’s alive.”

Critics also say in the Rihanna image he did not appear to have aged in the 19 years since he was last seen and it could have easily been photo-shopped.