Vegas $7.5 Billion Dollar Bleutech Smart “Mini City” to Open 2025

The $7.5 billion Bleutech Park smart mini-city in Las Vegas. (Courtesy Bleutech Park)

Las Vegas , N.V. – All plans are go for the new giant smart city starting construction for December 2019. Bleutech Park, sponsored by Bleutech Park Properties, Inc., will have net-zero buildings, according to a release, which will create an insular mini-city and featuring automated multi-functional designs, renewable energy sources, autonomous vehicles, artificial intelligence, augmented reality, robotics, supertrees, self-healing concrete structures and more high-tech gadgetry straight from a science-fiction movie.

Bleutech Park’s  mixed-use environment featuring workforce housing, offices, retail space, ultra-luxury residential, hotel and entertainment will introduce a new high-tech biome to the desert valley.  Bleutech aims at tackling issues such as affordable housing through the development of “Workforce Housing.” This unique approach intends to serve the housing needs of people employed in jobs that the general population relies upon to make the community economically viable, such as nurses, police officers, teachers, firemen, and multiple others within a description of service to their communities. Workforce Housing is the cornerstone of Bleutech Park’s vision and commitment to support a diverse workforce and ensure Las Vegas s economic, cultural, and health benefits accrue to people of all income levels. 

Totalvegasbuffets was also able to find a listing for the actual contract being offered, showing a total worth of over $7 billion dollars. The complex will indeed be mixed use.
Even networking tech giant Cisco is on board with this project with Mike Grigsby saying this:
“With Cisco’s smart and connected communities group, said the project will deliver a “one-of-a-kind experience” for guests and visitors, and “push the envelope of innovation and bring together technology solutions that once seemed like pure science fiction”.

And lets not forget Automation, which will be high on the priority list for the build phase. Unmanned aerial systems will be used to access “hard-to-reach or unsafe places”, it said. Robotics will help with on-site security, during construction and after opening. The press release said: “These new technologies could create close to a super workforce of the future.”
Bertrand Dano, chief technology and information officer at Bleutech Park Properties, commented: “The rise of digitization and robotics in construction will increase productivity and efficiency. Wearable technology will increase workplace safety, particularly in heavy lifting and repetition. We believe in the future of robotics and their ability to improve jobsite safety and employee’s health.” 
The project will create 25,000 jobs, claimed Bleutech Park Properties.